Our products

Immuno orange

Immuno Orange is a multifunctional beverage that's based on lyophilized royal jelly. We have naturally enriched it, adding vitamins C and D, as well as B-complex vitamins for normal immune system function. It tastes like (as you can probably guess) orange. For whom is it intended? Click to learn more.

Immuno raspberry

Immuno Raspberry is a multifunctional beverage that's based on lyophilized royal jelly. In addition to vitamins C, D, and B-complex vitamins, we have enriched the Immuno Raspberry with the iron (Fe) mineral to help the normal production of red blood cells. For whom is it intended? Click to learn more.

Immuno orange stevia

Immuno Orange Stevia is an identical beverage to Immuno Orange. However, it contains Stevia, a 100% natural sweetener. For whom is it intended? Click to learn more.

Immuno raspberry stevia

Immuno Raspberry Stevia is an identical beverage to Immuno Raspberry. However, it contains Stevia, a 100% natural sweetener. For whom is it intended? Click to learn more.

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When we are doing something in life, we have to know why we are doing it. Where we want to get to, what goal we're trying to accomplish. We've always known why Omnia should exist. Now, we are sharing our reasons with you.


There are many products that "on paper" have everything that your body will ever need. However, the origin of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids is questionable and doesn't stem from a single source. The uniqueness of royal jelly isn't only in its comprehensive structure, but the fact that this structure comes from only one natural source. It contains proteins (all the essential amino acids), sugars (glucose and fructose), fats (with a special emphasis on 10 HAD acids), minerals (all the important macro and oligo-elements), and vitamins (B-complex, A, D, E, and K vitamins).


We don't like to compromise. That's why the second reason for founding Omnia is to offer a beverage that won't have anything that harms our customers in its structure. Compromises are easy to make. We don't value that which is easy.


The best drink based on royal jelly is useless if it isn't adjusted to the contemporary human. By lyophilizing royal jelly, we are conserving its full effect. And by adding C, D, and B-complex vitamins, we are additionally increasing its efficiency. That's why there's no difference between living in the countryside, near a beehive, and living in the city, having just enough time to have a glass of the Immuno drink.

OMNIA Ambassadors

  • Nikola Cacic
  • Marko Topo
  • Lazar Jeremic
  • “My choice is tennis. But, whatever your choice is, I think we all have that one thing in common, on our way to the top. And that’s work, work, and work. Not just on the court and in the gym. The immune system is also a part of my “work.” That’s why I drink, and recommend to you, Omnia.”

  • “As a young tennis player, everyone reminds me, ‘slowly Marko, time is in front of you, take care of yourself, take care of your body.’ That’s why I balance the zeal for victory with guarding the body. Omnia helps me maintain that balance when it comes to my immune system. “
    Marko Topo, tennis player, 640th on the ATP list

  • “ For me as a personal trainer, the key word is “commitment”. This means that I do not view the people I work with as “muscle groups” but look at their physical fitness as a whole. An unavoidable part of that is the immune system. That is why I recommend Omnia immuno drinks to everyone. “
    Lazar Jeremic, personal trainer


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To become a partner: office@omnia-natura.com


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Maintaining your immune system can be simple.

Open a bag of the Immuno beverage, dissolve it in a glass of water, and drink it. And the royal jelly that you're ingesting into your body is beneficial without exception.

We want you to build up your confidence in your immune system. It's yours. Even with all of the obstacles that you encounter, still, in the end, it all depends on you. It depends on the decisions that you make and how disciplined you are in carrying them out.

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